Hippy Abuela

For most middle-aged white guys, acquiring all of the skills and nuances of an Abuela does not make the short list, bucket list, radar, register, or score card. For me, it is the under current of my entire existence. This is a slow-paced game of patience and messes with many foes, battles, levels, and easter eggs. It is best played on a Sunday with your favorite, cheap and grapey intoxicant. Winecraft. Today, I am twelve tortillas closer to leveling up.

Some of y’all know that I also dabble in the arts of hippy and have been perfecting an oat milk recipe over the past few months though I have never quite mastered a use for the super-healthy lump of oat grout that is left over.

I had limited success with making crackers that were good, not great. Actually, they were fine. They were alright. They were fine.

I also had limited disasters going for Abuela gold, the home-made tortilla. The first attempt yielded eight oily communion pancakes. Dad body of Christ.

Today was different. I studied several different traditional recipes and took my time.

All of you that have attempted a soft, chewy, light, home-made, flour wedding veil know the sheer delight that washes over you when you get it right. Multiply that by diez, when you get it right with non-traditional ingredients.

So here is the goods. These were made with the leftovers of oat milk that required one cup of oats to start. My oat milk recipe also includes 1 tsp powdered vanilla, 1/4 cup pecans, and 3 dates, but I’m quite certain this tortilla recipe will work with any oat milk leftovers.

  • Oat Milk Leftovers
  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp light olive oil
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/4 cup hot water

In a large bowl, stir the flour, salt, and baking powder into the oat milk leftovers. I used a fork to mix until I had a soft, granular consistency. Keep stirring while adding in the oil and then the water. You should have a dough that is a little on the dry side.

Transfer dough to a floured surface. Divide into 12 happy, little balls. Make sure each ball gets a light coat of flour before slightly flattening it on a cutting board or baking sheet with your hand. Cover the balls with a towel and let them rest for at least half an hour, longer if possible.

After the dough nap, medium heat a cast iron pan. If you don’t have a cast iron pan, stop reading, you have failed and are dead to me. Roll out each piece into ameboa shapes while thinking about circles. Dust the entire kitchen with flour, as needed, to keep everything from sticking. These things need to be FLAT. Like, “see through” flat.

Cook each one for about 1 minute and then flip with tongs to cook for another 20-30 seconds.

Eat them all and don’t share.